代官山コレクションメディアプレス INFORMATION


著作権について / COPY RIGHT LAW

代官山コレクションメディアプレスで提供される情報・文書・写真・動画・音楽・プログラム・編集著作物等すべての著作権は、代官山コレクション事務局に帰属します。 当社の正式な許可なく、本サイトの複写、複製、引用、転用、改ざん、配布、リンクの提供等を禁じ、肖像を使用することは肖像権・パブリシティ権の侵害になります。

無断で複製、配付、貸与、変造、翻案することは、著作権侵害となり、法的に罰せられるほか、損害賠償を請求されることがあります。 私的利用の範囲を超えるご使用の場合は、当社の承諾書と使用料が必要な場合がありますので、あらかじめ、代官山コレクション事務局までご連絡下さい。

All copyrights like information, the document, the photograph, animation, music, the program, and the edit book, etc. offered with the Daikanyama collection media press belong to the Daikanyama collection secretariat. Prohibiting the copy, the reproduction, the quotation, the diversion of this site, the falsification, and the offer of the distribution and the link, etc. without our formal permission, and using the portrait become the violations of the portrait right and the publicity right. Moreover, the copy of contents that receive the Daikanyama collection media press and the misunderstanding, the reproduction, the quotation, the diversion, the falsification, the distribution, and making, etc. are prohibited. It is not possible to reproduce by the purposes other than private use that provides for part or everything to Article 30 of the Copyright Law. It becomes a copyright infringement, and compensation for damages might be claimed besides being legally punished to the reproduction without permission, the transmission, broadcasting, the distribution, the loan to the person entitled including our company, Alliance partner, and the advertiser, the translation, the alteration, and the adaptation. Our release form and rental might be necessary, and contact the Daikanyama collection secretariat beforehand, please when using it the excess of the range of private use.